In this blog, you’ll learn how to create a free business email and then link it with your Gmail account.

So let’s first see what a business email is.

What is a business email?

A business email is simply an email address that contains your business name.

For example, rather than having ‘[email protected]’ as your business email address, you would have ‘[email protected]’ instead.

Before and after having a Business Email

Why do we need a business email?

Having a business email helps you to build your business. It makes your communication more professional, and it helps customers to trust your website and branding. 

If you use a generic email such as [email protected] for business purposes, you will appear to customers as an individual, rather than a business entity.

By using [email protected], you will appear much more professional for business purposes.

It also serves as a way of advertising your business when you send emails from your business account, and place your business email on your stationery items such as business cards. 

Better yet, you can also use a business email to differentiate sections of your business, making it easier for customers to contact the correct department.

For instance, you can create a [email protected] email address for customer support or [email protected] for receiving sales inquiries from your customers.

What do you need?

To follow this guide, all you need is a domain name from GoDaddy. Buying a domain name from GoDaddy is a quick and simple process.

If you do not have a domain name yet, simply head over to GoDaddy to secure one, before returning to continue following this free business email tutorial.

Once you’ve secured your domain name, let’s get started!

So, We are going to create a free business email in two parts:

  1. How to create a free business email and link it with Gmail 
  2. How to send emails from your business email address

Part 1: How do we create a free business email?

We are going to create your business email in three steps,

  1. Create an account in ImprovMX
  2. Add MX entries to your DNS page
  3. Create an Email forward

First, we are going to create a business email using improvMX, before linking it with your Gmail account. Linking to Gmail makes your business email easy to manage since it’s exactly the same as managing your personal Gmail inbox.

STEP 1: Create an Account in ImprovMX

ImprovMX is a website that allows you to forward all emails coming into your business email account, to another inbox where you can read them.

All you have to do is go to and enter your domain name and Gmail address.

Remember the Gmail address is where you want to read emails forwarded from your business account.

So, for example, I’m going to enter my domain name which is ‘’.

  1. Now enter these details as shown below and click ‘create free alias.’
creating a free email alias

Now we have successfully created our account in improvmx.

successfully created account in improvmx

Once you have created your account, it’s time to move on to the next step.

STEP 2: Add MX Entries to your DNS page

Now we need to add the improvMX records to the DNS page. To find those details, just scroll down and you will see the MX entries displayed below.

find the improvmx records

Next, you need to add these records to your DNS page.

To find your DNS location, simply scroll up. As you can see, the DNS is with Godaddy.

Find your DNS location

Therefore, to add the DNS records, you need to log in to Godaddy. 

  1. Head over to GoDaddy and sign in to your account.
login to godaddy

Once you have logged in to your GoDaddy account, you’ll see your domain listed here. 

  1. Click on DNS and you will be taken to the DNS management page. From here, you will be able to find the MX entries.
go to DNS Management in godaddy

Once you’ve got your MX entries to hand, you need to add them to the DNS page as demonstrated below.

Make sure to delete any old MX entries before adding these new records. When you’re ready, let’s add the records one by one.

  1. Click ‘Add.’
add new record in godaddy
  1. Then Copy and paste the records as shown below.

In the type field select ‘MX’ and enter ‘@’ in the host field.

Next, copy the MX entry values and paste them into the matching boxes in the priority order shown below.

copy the mx entry values from improvmx and paste them in godaddy

Once you have added the first record,

  1. Click ‘Save.’
click save

Now we’ve added our first entry, it’s time to repeat the process for the second. 

Hopefully, you have now successfully added both these records to your DNS page.

Added records to DNS page
  1. Now if we click continue,
continue to dashboard

You will arrive at this page. 

  1. Now click ‘CHECK AGAIN.’

You should see that improvMX is now active.

Check again

Once you’ve received this message, we can go to the last step.

Step 3: Create an Email forward

By creating an email forward, all emails coming to your business email account will be forwarded to another inbox where you can read your emails.

forwarding your business email to your gmail account

 To create an email forward, you need to take the following steps:

  1. First enter the business email that you want to create. 

It can be anything, such as [email protected]

As you can see, here I have entered ‘contact’

  1. Now, enter the Gmail address that you want to forward your business emails to.

Here, you can see I have entered my personal Gmail address.

enter the business email you want and your gmail address

Now all emails coming to this business email address will be forwarded to my Gmail inbox.

your business emails will be forwarded to your gmail account
  1. Now click ‘Add.’
now click add

And that’s it! Your email forward will have been created.

email forwarding has bee setup successfully

Now it’s time to test if this forward is working.

DEMO: Let’s send a test mail as a pretend customer to the business email we created, to see if we can receive it.

To send the email, let’s use a random Gmail account to compose a test email, before sending it to [email protected]

demo sending an email to our business email address

Now, if we head to our inbox and click refresh, you can see that we’ve received the email! 

If we open it and click on the small down arrow (as shown below), you can see that the mail was sent to ‘[email protected]’, which is our business email. At this point, we can confirm that we’ve successfully received it in our Gmail inbox.

demo seeing if we can receive emails in our business email address

As you can see, with the help of ImprovMX, we’re able to receive emails to our business email.

Okay! Now we’ve taken care of receiving emails, 

Next, we need to review sending them from our business email account.

If we try to reply to this mail as shown below, it will still go from our Gmail address. However, we want our email to be sent from our business email which is “[email protected]

demo trying to reply from our business email

So, now we’re heading into the next part of this tutorial where you will see how to send emails from your business email. 

Part 2: How to Send Emails from Your Business Email Address

So to send emails we’re going to use Gmail’s free SMTP service, which allows you to send 3000 free emails per month.

So let’s find out how you can do that!

To send emails from your business email (using Gmail), we’re going to carry out two steps,

  1. Change the settings on your Google Account
  2. Add your Business Email to Gmail

STEP 1: Change the Settings on Your Google Account

So to change the settings, 

  1. Just click on your profile/icon in the top right-hand corner.  
  2. Then click on ‘Google Account’
click on google account

Now it will take you to this page.

  1. Search for ‘Less secure apps’ in the search box.
  2. And just click on the option from the dropdown.
searching for less secure apps
  1. Finally, click the toggle button to turn on ‘Allow less secure apps.’
enabling less secure apps

Okay, now we have changed the settings within our Google account.

If you have enabled two-factor authentication on your Google account, you will not get this option.

Putting that aside, let’s continue with this tutorial.

Once you have changed the settings on your Google account, you can now go to the last step. 

STEP 2: Add Your Business Email to Gmail

Once you’ve added your business email to Gmail, you can start sending business emails from your Gmail account.

To add your business email to Gmail, go to your Gmail inbox where we’ve been forwarding the mail (via improvmx).

  1. Click the gear icon and then click ‘Settings.’
go to gmail settings
  1. Now click on ‘Accounts and Import.’

Since we want to send emails from our business email,

  1. Click ‘Add another business email.’

And you’ll get this window as shown below:

add another email address in accounts and import
  1. Now you can customize the name that you want as your ‘From Name.’

This name will subsequently appear when someone receives an email from you.

For this example, I’m going to type ‘TryShirts.’

  1. In the next field, enter the business email that you’ve created.

Again for our example purposes, I’m going to enter ‘[email protected].’

  1. Then click ‘Next Step.’
enter your from name and he business email you've created

Now you need to enter the details of your Gmail account.

  1. Therefore, use this screen to enter your Gmail address and your Gmail password.
enter your gmail address and password
  1. Now, in the field named ‘SMTP server,’ type: ‘’.

This is Gmail’s free SMTP server.

Once you have added those details,

  1. Click ‘Add Account.’
configure gmail smtp server and click add account

Gmail will then send a confirmation code to your business email.

confirmation email sent

To get the code,  

  1. Simply go to your inbox and open the confirmation mail, as shown below:
gmail confirmation email for smtp
  1. Now copy this code and paste it into the verification field as shown below, before clicking ‘Verify.’
confirming your business email address

As soon as you click verify, your business email will be added to Gmail.

Now, if we click ‘Compose’ and click on the ‘From Mail ID,’ you can see that our business email has now been added.

successfully added business email address to gmail

Now you can start sending emails from your business email account.

So, let’s test out sending an email as shown in the demo below to check everything has been set up correctly. 

DEMO: Let’s perform a check by sending a test mail to a random Gmail address.

To send a test mail, just select the business email and draft a test mail. Next, enter a random Gmail address in the ‘To’ address and click ‘Send.’ Once you hit send, your mail will be sent to the random Gmail address.

demo try to send an email from business email address

Now, if you go to that random Gmail inbox and click refresh you can see that we’ve received the mail! 

Let’s open it! 

If you click the small down arrow as shown below, you can see that the mail was sent from ‘[email protected],’ which is our business email.

demo successfully sent an email from the business email address

So now we are able to send and receive emails from our business email.

This means we’ve successfully created our business email, and you can start using it.

Bonus 1: How to Set Your Business Email as Your Default ‘From’ Address

Start by returning to your Gmail inbox.

Here, in this example, we are setting this business email (as shown below), as the default ‘From’ address.

setting business email as default

To set your business email as your default ‘From’ address,

  1. Just head over to your settings. 
go to gmail settings
  1. Click ‘Accounts and Import.’
  1. Next to your business email, click ‘make default.’
click on make default in accounts and import

Now we have set our business email as the default ‘From’ address.

Afterwards, if we click ‘Compose,’ you can see that our business email is now selected by default. 

Which means, by default, the email is sent from our business email.

successfully set business email as default

Okay guys, so now you know how to create a business email using your domain.

But what if you want to create more email addresses on the same domain?

So let’s say you want to create further email addresses such as: ‘[email protected]’ or ‘[email protected].’ 

Bonus 2: How You Can Create Multiple Business Emails on Your Domain

Fortunately, that’s very easy to accomplish. 

To create another business email on the same domain, first create another email forward in improvMX. 

Start by heading over to improvMX

Here, you can see the business email that we’ve already created, as shown below:

adding another business email

To create your new business email, just type in the new business email address you want to use. 

Here, I have created a new business email called ‘[email protected].’

Again, you need to enter the Gmail address that you want to associate with your business email.

For this example, I have entered a different Gmail address. Once you click ‘ADD,’ your new email forward will be created. As we saw before, if someone sends an email to your business email address, it will now automatically get forwarded to your Gmail inbox.

enter your new business email address and click Add.

Once you have created the email forward, just retrace the steps in Part 2 of this tutorial to change the relevant Google settings.

You can use this method to create any number of business emails!


So that’s it, guys! This is how you can create a business email using your own domain name.

Now if you don’t have a website for your business, you can easily create one by following this easy 10-minute tutorial video.

And for more such tutorials on WordPress website creation, subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is a Business mail address?

A business email is simply an email address that contains your business name.

For example, let’s consider the name of your business as “TeachyLeaf”. If your email is ‘[email protected]’ which has your website name instead of Gmail, Yahoo or some other email provider then it’s a business email address.

2. Why is a Business Email address important? 

A business email helps you to build your business.

It makes your communication more professional and it helps customers trust your website and branding.

3. When to use a Business email?

If you’re a business owner, then you should use your business email address whenever you’re communicating with clients.

4. How to buy a domain name for my business?

Buying a domain name for your business is a quick and simple process.

Simply head over to Godaddy to get one for your business.

5. Can I create a free business email address without making a website?

Yes, you can create a business email address without making a website. However, you still have to buy your domain name.
Menaka J
Menaka J
Junior Learning Experience Designer
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Image of Bernie

It’s an amazing post in favor of all the web viewers;
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Image of Karthik Tatikonda
Karthik Tatikonda

We are glad that this blog helped you, Bernie. 😁

Image of Leonel Eagle
Leonel Eagle

Thanks. I read it with interest. Blog added to favourites

Image of Karthik Tatikonda
Karthik Tatikonda

We are glad that this blog helped you, Leonel. 😁

Image of jeri

can I take away the “via gmail”

Image of Russ Santisteban
Russ Santisteban

kep Up the Gratee work mate.

Image of Karthik Tatikonda
Karthik Tatikonda

We are glad that this blog helped you, Russ Santisteban. 😁

Image of mayank sahu
mayank sahu

sir i tried to make but , everytime i fail . Please help me i want to make my own busness email for this domain

Image of Karthik Tatikonda
Karthik Tatikonda

Hi Mayank, We request you to send a mail to [email protected], our support team will guide you. 😁

Image of Perfect lusa
Perfect lusa

Thanks very much I am gonna try this if is working I will be back to give thanks

Image of Hellen Sagendorf
Hellen Sagendorf

Thanks for sharing this information.

Image of Karthik Tatikonda
Karthik Tatikonda

We are glad that this blog helped you, Hellen. 😁

Image of Keith Ten
Keith Ten

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Image of Karthik Tatikonda
Karthik Tatikonda

We are glad that this blog helped you, Keith Ten. 😁

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Image of salit dangol
salit dangol

These are some quite useful information. As a beginner in Gmail, I was struck on creating a google account for business. This information taught me a lot. Thanks a tone mate.

Image of Karthik Tatikonda
Karthik Tatikonda

We are glad that this blog helped you, Salit dangol. 😁

Image of Ripan Gada
Ripan Gada

Hi, I have seen your video of how to create business email and use it with gmail for free. Many Thanks. This is useful. I can access Business email in gmail. Just wanted to check whether after doing all the steps for setup of business email in Gmail, Can we setup this business email (your [email protected]) in outlook ? Also if I setup gmail account (the one in which i have linked business email account) in outlook can I send mails from outlook using business account email i.e. whether email received in business account will be delivered in outlook & if is send emails from Outlook whether it will be sent as sent from business email id ?

Ripan Gada