The hot topic a few days ago was “Can I trust AI tools for content writing?”

Everyone is now aware that the answer is “yes.” If the content is unique and helpful to the users, even Google won’t flag it as spam.

The key question at this point is, though, “Can I use AI to write blog posts?” The good news is “yes.”

There are a lot of questions that keep coming to mind when you think about AI technologies.

  • Can I get a plagiarism-free blog post with AI tools?
  • Are AI content writing tools valuable to consider? 
  • And should I spend my money on software that uses AI to write?

More than 30 percent of businesses worldwide use AI in some way, and writing is one of those ways. It might be challenging to accept that a computer can produce content since writing is a creative activity.

Are you looking for a simple approach to create a blog post with AI, and that should be unique too?

If so, you have come to the correct spot. You will get an answer to whether you can use AI techniques to produce entirely unique material in this post.

The AI tool “GravityWrite” can produce a whole post for you, packed with appropriate research and SERP analysis, among the numerous AI tools available for blog writing. These will facilitate the quick generation of relevant content and quicken the growth of your company.

You’ll also get familiar with a top-tier unique article generator that may be used to produce unique, plagiarism-free articles. Keep on reading…

What is AI Blog Post Writer, and How Does it Work?

An Artificial intelligence (AI) blog post writer employs Natural Language Processing (NLP) to produce blog content. You must provide information for this, such as the title or keywords, after which an AI blog writer creates a blog post in accordance with your directions.

Our artificial intelligence (AI) writing tool, GravityWrite, will provide you with grammatically accurate content with an interesting and natural linguistic tone. 

It certainly sounds magical. So, the obvious follow-up question is, “How can an AI tool creates content equivalent to humans without magic?

Coding and algorithms hold the key to the solution. Programmers use a variety of methods that enable the tool to take into account many factors in the same way that people do to provide you with a suitable answer. All writing tools have undergone extensive training using real-world data to provide you with text that is both accurate and interesting.

A single writing tool operates nearly like a semi-human brain since many algorithms work behind the scenes. As a consequence, it can operate on many things at once and provide you with a solution that people can create.

People read and study the works of others to create something comparable yet fresh. comparable to this, AI technologies that use algorithms gather already-existing, comparable information from the web, analyze it, and then provide you with brand-new content depending on your requests.

Right, this sounds interesting…

Read More:

Why Is Unique and Plagiarism-Free Content Important?

For both academic writing projects and website copies, one should always use unique material. It’s an absolute need, particularly for website copy and blogs. The originality of the content you create should never be compromised. 

If you don’t use unique material for your website, you’ll never be able to reach the goal of your content, which is to rank on the SERP.

Let’s go to the next part to learn how to write a plagiarism-free blog post with AI tool called GravityWrite.

How to Write a Plagiarism-Free Blog Post Using AI Tool (GravityWrite)?

Here is a 6-step guide on creating a blog post with AI tool “GravityWrite”:

Step 1: Register with GravityWrite

To create the blog post with AI, first, you should access the AI tool homepage by clicking the “GravityWrite” link. 

GravityWrite - The Best AI Writer

Click “Start Writing for Free,” then provide your name, email id, and password to register with GravityWrite. 

Sign up with GravityWrite

Now, you can see the GravityWrite dashboard after registering.

GravityWrite - Dashboard

Step 2: Get Blog Topic Ideas

Go to “Blog Workflow” to develop your blog post with AI. You can see several tools which are exclusively for blog content creation.

Blog Post with AI - Blog Workflow

Click “Blog Topic Ideas” to get the list of blog topics. 

Blog Topic Ideas

GravityWrite allows you to enter a keyword relevant to your topic, generating various possible topics when you click “Create Content.” 

Enter keywords in Blog topic ideas

Now, you can choose the topic from the list of produced topics.

Generation of blog topics

Step 3: Create a Blog Outline

To start writing the blog outline, copy the title you decided on in the previous step.

Select a blog topic

Now, the next step is to click “Blog Outline.”

Choose blog outline to generate blog post with AI

Paste the topic in the input area. Lastly, click “Create Content.” You may now view the blog’s outline for the given topic. 

Blog outline

Note: Click anywhere to begin editing if you wish to change anything.

Make changes as per your requirements

Paste the blog outline into the document when you’ve copied it. 

Copy outline and paste it in document

Step 4: Get the Blog Content

Select “Blog Content” to start writing the blog post with AI tool.

Select blog content

Then enter the copied blog title and outline into the corresponding input fields. To continue, please click “Create Content.” You may now read the whole blog entry. This concludes your blog post.

Generation of blog post with AI

Paste the newly formed content into the document at this point. When you first look at the document, it seems to be quite simple. You may add multiple photos to the text to make it seem better.

Step 5: Adding Images to the Blog

From an SEO standpoint, using graphics in the blog will boost reader engagement. Once again, you can use the AI tool to generate images.  

You need to figure out what kind of images you want for our blog before you can start making any. Your web page may contain a lot of headlines, and you need to create distinctive images for each one. GravityWrite offers a tool that will analyze your material and tell you what sort of pictures your content requires to make it simpler for you.

Now, click “Image Brief for Blog” in the GravityWrite dashboard.

Select Image Brief for Blog

Now, copy the blog content from the document and enter it in the input field. Click “Create Content” at this point. It describes the type of images that can be included under each heading. Additionally, it provides instructions for every image, which you can use to create AI images using image-generation tools like Midjourney, bluewillow, etc.

Generation of Image Ideas and Prompts

We’ll use BlueWillow in this case. To continue working on it, create an account if you haven’t already. Type /imagine, paste the image prompt, then press “Enter” to generate images.  

Use BlueWillow to create images

Now, you can observe a variety of images. Just select the version and save the desired image. 

Select the image and download it

You can generate images in a manner similar to this for other prompts as well. Now include each image in the document.  

Perfect blog post with AI

Your site looks amazing right now!

Then what? You must have a featured image for your site, right? 

Rather than starting from scratch, you can generate a featured image using the online tool “Canva,” where you can choose and edit the blog thumbnail template style. Download the featured picture after you’ve completed editing. 

Canva  - To create Featured images

Step 6: Publish the blog

Go to the WordPress dashboard, choose “Posts,” and then click “Add New” to publish your blog. 

Select Post in WP dashboard

Now, copy your blog’s title and content and paste them. Similarly, you can add photos and featured images to it. Your blog is now prepared to go live. 

Upload the content and images in Post section

Click “Publish” to make it live on the internet. 

Publish the blog post

Check for Content Uniqueness

Copy the blog content and put it into the AI detection tool “ContentatScale” to assess the quality of your AI content. 

Check for content uniqueness

As you can see, it’s clear that “GravityWrite” produces text that is highly likely to be human-written content. This indicates that the information is original and free of plagiarism.  In addition, nobody will ever guess that an AI created this content.

More on GravityWrite 

You may have realized by now that GravityWrite is the AI tool you can trust to write blog posts for you.

AI GravityWrite! The best AI writing tool will help you write 100% original stuff.  

GravityWrite is undoubtedly the finest AI blog writer on the market since its blog writing assistant gives you all the tools you need to create an interesting, informative, and SEO-friendly blog.

This incredible tool not only shines as the best AI blog writer, but it also offers 80+ writing templates that you may utilize to create whatever marketing content you need to advance your content marketing strategy.

The following are a few of the templates that GravityWrite provides:

  • Product Descriptions
  • Scripts for YouTube videos
  • Ideas for AI art or logo design
  • Job Descriptions
  • Email sales copies
  • Social media copies
  • Google Ads, etc.

Sounds too nice! People are often surprised by how many features these great AI tools offer.


You should now be familiar with creating the blog post with AI. Indeed, it is quite simple. What’s more, employing a content writing AI to create a blog article takes a lot less time than starting from scratch.

It’s important to remember that the decision must always be yours. As a result, anytime you use blog writing AI to create content, make the required customizations and edits to make it shine.

GravityWrite is the greatest AI blog writing tool you can use to do this in a short amount of time by researching, writing, and optimizing a blog.

So, why wait? Try out this incredible AI blog post writer!

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Frequently Asked Questions on How to Write a Plagiarism-Free Blog Post with AI Tool

How can AI provide content for blog posts?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) examines the material at present, takes context into account, and then generates relevant sentences or articles for blog postings.

What role does AI play in the generation of blog posts?

AI helps to create content, SEO optimization, user experience enhancement, and performance analysis for blog posts.

How reliable is GravityWrite?

GravityWrite focuses on providing exact information and completely unique content that is free of plagiarism. The data provided by GravityWrite is trustworthy because of its high-quality natural processing capabilities.

How can AI boost the rank of a blog article in search results?

Using AI, which examines keywords, suggests topics optimize content and provides insights, can assist a blog post in performing better in search engine results.

Is AI necessary at every stage of the blog post creation process?

No, not all situations need AI. It is possible to deploy it selectively depending on the conditions and goals for writing blog entries.

What aspects of a blog post’s user experience might AI improve?

By providing personalized suggestions, answering user questions, examining user activity, and proposing relevant information, AI can enhance the user experience.
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